Preaching The Word

In my first parish I had four services one Sunday and three the next.
I decided it would be good for me to prepare sermons on themes.
The parables about the lost sheep, the lost son and the lost coin was one.
A series on the Lord’s Prayer was another, as was the Sermon on the Mount.
Themes from the Psalms were suggested, and the Prophets were a treasured source.
This series was hard work but helped my Bible study and appreciation.

Jesus noted the importance ref reading from and preaching the word contained in the Bible.
In the synagogue on the Sabbath day he read from the prophet Isaiah, referring to the role of the coming Messiah, the suffering servant who would bring good news to the poor, release the captives, restore sight to the blind, and proclaim the year of the Lord.
He was the fulfilment of this scripture, and the people were electrified by his preaching.
Read Luke 4:16-23. Think of saints who have faithfully preached the word.
Give thanks for the message from the word preached every Sunday, and support your preacher in prayer.

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