Waiting till dawn

Recently I have developed a bronchial problem. I  have had to sit up at night in our  lounge room .It has two large glass window doors facing our back garden .  In our back area we have lovely fruit trees and a vegie garden  and a bird pond for visiting birds,including two ducks. Two wooden lounges for us to  sit  on on a fine afternoon ,to read our books and have a snooze.At night nothing in our  lovely black yard is visible, simply dark shadows till morning when  the light makes it all  real again.On reflection I am  reminded of Paul ’s vision  as he reflects on the meaning of life in his Letter to the Corinthians.For now we see life in  a mirror, dimly ,but then we shall see face to face.Now I know only in part, then I will know  fully even as  I have been fully known.ånd now faith, hope ,and love ,these three abide.And the greatest of these is love .[1 st Corinthians  13:12,13]
Now I can prop up my pillows and drift  off to sleep ,sure in the knowledge that the morning will come and all will be well in  this life and in the next.

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