Scripture Readings: Romans 13:8-14 & Matthew 18: 15-20
As the early Church had deep and sustaining love and faithfulness even under suffering and persecution, we can get a warm feeling and a challenge from their life and faith at the same time. We can read words from Paul’s letter to Romans earlier, “the only obligation you have is to love one another.” Love is the essence of discipleship, the basis for transformation. That love involves all we are and do, individually and collectively.
We do not know when Christ will return, but, if Christ appeared today, is there any lifestyle, thought, or activity that we would be ashamed to have brought into his light? Romans 13 invites us to live righteously, walking in the light of Christ, in light of Christ’s return.
When we come to today’s gospel text, we hear that reconciliation and forgiveness are needed in our relationships and communities. Scriptures describe the community of faith as the body of Christ and show that God rejoices over each believer who is brought back from sin. Today’s text tells us a fair and grace-filled way of dealing with hurts and disputes in the church.
Many people do love one another, but they still do one another wrong because their love is still in its infancy. Without love, people can be in danger of division. We don’t just become perfectly loving when we’re baptised or long-time Christian. We grow into it gradually and sometimes painfully as we continue to follow Jesus.
Jesus said, “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” We gather in expectation that Jesus Christ will be present among us. We can joyously come together into the presence of God and be all welcomed in the love of Christ.
In today’s text, Jesus described a step-by-step process for bringing about reconciliation when the love has broken down among us. We remind ourselves each week that we come to worship with all who trust in God, with all who walk in his grace, with all who hope for a world made new. Jesus’ step by step process for reconciliation is not limited to human beings, it is extended to nature and the world. In our prayers of inclusion, we are reminded that we gather in solidarity with all who suffer in the tragedy of a world where the failure of love exists from human beings to all kinds of environments.
We live in a world where all creation can be nourished for fullness of life. However, as many people and countries demand a higher standard of living and search for more resources to exploit, an enormous toll is being taken on the planet. There are many world’s resources that are being overexploited and polluted in ways that are dangerous to both the planet and humanity. Unfortunately, global warming has been changed into global heating and global boiling. Some experts say the golden time for recovery is about seven years. May we not be missing the golden time for the recovery and reconciliation in all our relationships with God, others, and nature.
Our freedom to do so is based on the love and mercy of Christ. Sometimes our love fails, and we make mistakes to others and nature. However, God makes a way to restore a believer who strays into sin and leads us into the place where love and harmony coexist. Jesus invites us to recover our relationships and to care for our planet through the step-by-step process in the love of God. May we be embraced in the loving communion of God based on grace and the love of Christ.
Jesus says our coming together guarantees his presence. The scriptures repeatedly describe the community of faith as the body of Christ. When Christ’s body comes together Christ is made present. If someone is busily dismembering the body of Christ or still destructive to nature, probably it is a lack of love for others and God’s creations. May we gather in the love of Christ, experience the presence of the Lord, and glorify God together by the fullness of love and reconciliation.
God is welcoming us all to the same table. We cannot refuse anyone and change God’s guest list. May the power of love for others and nature overrule whatever has come between us. May we put off the deeds of darkness and walk in the light of salvation in Christ. We can work for people’s healing and continue to grow into the fullness of love. May we love and reconcile one another in the love of Christ.
Because we are human and our love is compromised often, it is not possible for us to always resolve every issue and restore every relationship in our lives. But we can declare our willingness to be reconciled, our desire for reconciliation. It might still take time and a lot of hard work to bring it to reality, but we know that God has called us all to follow Jesus together and that therefore we will have to work it out. May we exchange a sign of peace and love together and bless one another, and care for the planet wishing the gift of Christ’s love and peace to each other.
Our planet is in danger due to human induced problems. May we recognise God’s work, participate in helping people who are in unwanted suffering, and protect our planet by bold climate action every day. May we obey God and serve God’s people and His creation.
I hope and pray that healing and reconciliation of the entire universe through Christ will be brought into our world, into creation in the love of Christ. May we live in love and peace from this day forth wishing the fullness of love and reconciliation.
Thanks be to God! Amen.
(Ref. Bible, commentaries, theological books, UCA materials)